My First FGT Experiential Session with Fitness First Platinum, The Curve ❤
It's already the trend to go to the fitness centre to workout among the girls nowadays. I used to be a health-conscious freak when I was in Form 6. It's been my daily routine to go to jogging for 7 days a week. Two weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to be invited by The Butterfly Project to have an experiential session with Fitness First Malaysia. Thank you Tammy for the invitation! I was super excited about this session because I can finally learn some fitness tips from the experts.
I got all my gears ready and ready to go for experiential session with Fitness First and I got the opportunity to try out the facilities in Fitness First Platinum at The Curve! *jaw drop* I always thought that going to gym is to try out all the fitness equipments and attend the classes they have provided. I was totally wrong because Fitness First does not only provide classes such as yoga, pilates, body combat, body jam etc but they also has their signature programmes which are totally unique.
Cool and pretty Fitness First merchandises on display. :D
I personally do not only want to lose some stubborn fats on my tummy and arms, I also want to ensure that my body is looking perfectly fine not to the extent of having huge muscles on the arms or have 6 packs on my abs. I want to ensure that my body is fit and healthy most of the time as Fitness First itself partnered with Imagine Group to produce 'Fit For Fashion', a first-of-its-kind reality TV show in collaboration with Fox International Channels which features inspirational contestant transformation alongside expert fitness and styling advice. Women nowadays are definitely concerned about their looks and health too. :D
Selfie with the bunting of Fit for Fashion. :P
Anyway speaking of the experiential session, we were greeted with a welcoming smile by Mr Kurt Stocks, the Managing Director of Fitness First Malaysia and Mr Ng Kah Wen, the Assistant Fitness Manager of Fitness First The Curve. We had a casual chat with Mr Kurt and Mr Ng on the new training techniques and exercises i.e Freestyle™ Group Training (FGT) and the newly transformed Fitness First.
L-R: Mr Ng Kah Wen, Mr Kurt Stocks and Mr Arun, the emcee of the day. (:
"Fitness First started as a small, single health and fitness club in Bournemouth, United Kingdom in 1993. Since then, the Fitness First Group has grown exponentially and has established itself as one of the largest fitness brands in the world, and the world's largest privately owned health club group with over 1 million members in more than 377 clubs across 16 countries worldwide. In Malaysia, from a single club opening in 2001 at Menara Manulife, Kuala Lumpur, 13 years on, the club has grown to 13 Fitness First Platinum and Fitness First clubs with 30, 500 members. They recently just launched the new Fitness First Platinum at The Gardens Mall on 6th of November this year."
Transformations are being carried out in Malaysia to inspire the members to go further through its new fitness philosophy - "The right balance of training, nutrition and motivation and Dynamic Training Movement; upgrade of existing clubs, introduction of the latest fitness innovations, launch of new workouts and enhanced staff expertise and customer service" to achieve their fitness goals. I think most of you might have noticed that Fitness First new logo has been launched, bearing the initial 'F' to mark 2014 as a year of bringing Malaysia's health and fitness industry to another level.
We were introduced to the Freestyle™ Group Training (FGT) experiential session. The FGT classes are supported by extensive training and delivered by fitness certified coaches. With the Freestyle™ Group Training workouts, we will never need to train on our own again. Yay!
Warm up time! *stretch*
Fitness First Freestyle™ Group Training classes bring our fitness philosophy to life with dynamic movement training workouts that create interactive, energetic experiences for groups of typically 4-12 members. These signature programmes are totally unique to Fitness First. There are 3 global programmes streams, H.I.I.T, Power and Strength and each stream has a uniform structure providing a high-quality experience for members every time they attend.
We were given a tour to check out the facilities they have provided in Fitness First, The Curve. It may look small from the outside but I was amazed. Every room they have for the members is big. Each room is catered to the members for those who wish to attend their preferred classes such as Body Jam, Body Pump, FGT, Yoga, Pilates and Dynamic Flow Yoga and etc. :D
After the tour, we were given the chance to experience the FGT itself with the help of Mr Ng, Assistant Fitness Manager of Fitness First The Curve. We had to warm up first before we started off with the training.
Warming up time! :D
Mr Ng taught us steps by steps on how to utilize the Freestyle™ Group Training (FGT). Freestyle™ Group Training (FGT) challenges and works the body in progressive ways to improve efficiency and speed. Classes are 30 minutes and include 3 format sections, a set of mobilisers to warm up the muscles, the main work out, and the grand finale finisher - a two minute workout continuous work out. You do not have to spend 1 to 2 hours in the gym anymore. A class of FGT is good enough to burn up your calories depending on the level of classes you have taken. :D
Push-up is also part of the FGT. :D
Running, hopping and squatting are one the training techniques too.
Benefits of Freestyle™ Group Training
- Efficiency: effective 30 minute high energy time-efficient workouts make every minute count - delivering maximum results in minimum time.
- Motivation: On hand expertise, instruction and support from a skilled coach, encouraging members to work together as a team towards a shared common goal, and inspiring each participant to achieve their personal best each time.
- Progression: Finally optioned workouts for all levels and goals, which allow members to progress to more advanced exercises within the same class.
- Group effect: The team design for each workout enables them to connect either with a partner, several other members of the group, or the entire group.
There are total of 7 blocks in a session and each session we require 30 seconds to complete a block. Since there's 6 of us, we took turns to work out in each blocks provided.
It may look simple but it's NOT simple AT ALL. It was harder than I thought. This FGT requires full body movement and work out and I can feel the adrenaline rush right after 2 blocks. I had to run, push up, jump and hop according the blocks. But it was very fun! I enjoyed the session completely.
Yours truly started panting after the 6 blocks in my 1st session. Sorry for being so lousy! =/
These classes are suitable for all fitness levels from beginners to the advanced:
Work at high intensity and pace with equal bursts of 30 second work and rest intervals, using Dynamic Movement Training techniques in all 3 dimensions, work your core with bodyweight and Freestyle™ equipment to maximise your output and elevate the heart.
FGT Power
Learn explosive and progressive, fast-paced power movements with heavy resistance; 20 second output, 40 seconds rest period. Maximise body power with jumps, press ups and burpees. Works the whole body and enhances athletic performance.
FGT Strength
Builds total body functional strength, muscular endurance and promotes lean muscle mass with Dynamic Movement Training exercises and strength-based loads: 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds using the bosu, dumbbells, TRX and bodyweight exercises.
Right after the 1st round, dizziness started to kick in and I can't continue the 2nd session anymore. I was then told by Mr Ng to take a short break and have a cup of drink. Prolly because I did not have my lunch before I came for the experiential session on that day. =/ Mr Ng told me NOT to skip meals anymore if I need to workout each time. The rest of the bloggers were awesome. They managed to complete all the routines and this whole routine took only 30 minutes. They enjoyed themselves so much and so do I. I told myself to come for FGT classes next time.
A group photo with the fitness experts. (:
Thank you Fitness First Malaysia and The Butterfly Project for the invitation! I enjoyed myself very much despite missing the 2nd session with the fellow bloggers! To all my readers out there, I am pretty sure that you guys should try this out! Check out Fitness First website for more info on FGT or you can always try their free trial classes before signing up for the membership package.
Fitness First The Curve
G70, Ground Floor,
The Curve
No. 6, Jalan PJU 7/3,
Mutiara Damansara,
Selangor, Malaysia
Contact No: +603- 7728 0077
Operating Hour
Saturday and Sunday: 7.00am - 9.00pm
Monday to Friday: 6.30am - 11.00pm
Public Holiday: 9.00am - 8.00pm
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