Officially Graduated! ❤

First of all, HAPPY 12.12.12! ❤ Since today is a special day with special date, I am going to pen down in my blog to make this date a memorable one. Well, sorry readers for the super late post of mine. Hadn't been blogging for almost a week plus. Feel so sorry for my readers. Anyway, I am going to blog about my ......

Lil Stitchs? 


I am going to talk about my commencement day which happened two months ago. (I know I am super late). 

*looking left and right for my friends*

Thanks to my sister-in-law and brother for coming all the way from Singapore to attend my graduation. *flying kisses for both of you* 

My familia! L-R: My sis-in-law, my mummy, Yours truly and sis. (My bro is the photographer)

Looking so serious here. Trying to search for my stuffs before I proceeded into the hall for registration. 

Thanks to my awesome photographer aka my brother for these photos! ❤

Both baby Bear and Stitch wanted to join in the fun too! :P

Mummy was holding my baby Stitch who came all the way from Singapore! Thanks bro and sis-in-law for the expensive gift! *cry*

Waiting for my turn to receive my scroll. *excited* 

After 5 hours of waiting, finally I received my scroll and I had the chance to take photos with my family and friends! Was freaking thirsty and all of us almost thirst to death. =/

With my baby Stitchs and bff, Jing Yin ❤

The only photo I had taken with my besties and it is blur! *sobs*

Posing with my baby Stitchs. Thanks mama for the bouquet! ❤

Shot #1: My loved ones ❤

Shot #2: My loved ones ❤

I didn't have the energy to run around the campus taking photos because I was freaking tired. Imagine I wasn't feeling well that day. Forcing myself to smile for this so-called big day and hoping it would end pretty soon cause I wanna rest so badly. 

 Shot #3: My familia ❤

The only photo I had taken with my coursemates ❤

The campus looks like a temple to me with nice water features though. 

 Shot #4: My familia ❤

Final shot of myself taken in the campus! 

Shot #1: A portrait photo with my Stitch collection! ❤

Shot #2: With my boy in graduation outfit and the Stitchs bouquet. ❤

Camho shot taken using iPhone 5 secondary camera. ❤

P/s: 1. For more photos, check out my photo album in Facebook. 
     2. Rejected a screening and realised that I am not working on that day! Why oh why! =/
     3. DiGi Super Bloggers event to attend this weekend! *winkz*
     4. Premiere screening of Les Miserables on this Friday! *yay*
     5. Business trip to oversea on a day after NYE. Winter, I am coming! =)

lotsa love,

❤ Follow me at
Instagram - @janicemonteith
Twitter - @janicemonteith
NuffnangX - janiceyeap
