Happy New Year 2012 ❤
I'm here wishing you guys Happy New Year 2012 ❤ Time flies and next year will be my final year final semester studying Chemical Engineering in UTAR. I finally do not have to bear with the stupid uni's management anymore. Happy and sad at the same time. Cause my working life starts pretty soon right after I graduate. Hopefully year 2012 will be a good year for me to start with.
This year is rather a busy year for me as i am serious with my work and studies finally! I work super hard to achieve the results i want and i manage to do it! *thumbs up* When it comes to year 4 in the mid year, i was even busier than before. I never play and enjoy my life. I never shop, watch movie or even have the time for myself as i was really busy working on my Plant Design and final year project. I almost choked to death cause i don't have the time to rest! Imagine myself having 6 presentations in a semester and never ending assignments and tests for almost every week. =.="" Robot also can't do work like this.
With my team mates for Plant Design assignments ❤
Joined NTV7 Feel Good Run on 2nd of July with my jogging partner. ❤
And finally i managed to achieve my target I want - losing 5 kg-s in few months without exercising. This is due to stress i was having with while i was in year 4! I was also sick for the whole month during my examination period. I lost an important person in my life during my exam period too. My dearest uncle passed away a week after i was back from hometown cause i need to attend finals. I couldn't attend my uncle's funeral cause i was having my last two papers for my year 4. I didn't get to see him for the last time. So sorry uncle. You will be deeply missed by us! ❤
Attended a conference which was held at Nanyang Technological University Singapore on August. It was about Membrane Science and Technology conference which will be useful for me in future. ❤
Attended three cousins' wedding in a year. Relatives came and gathered in my house and finally i could feel the family bond there. =)
I even attended my bestie's engagement party. Congrats to you my dear! ❤
Attended a photo shoot which was invited by Clinique. Thanks! ❤
Spiffy is added into my Apple collection in mid of September. Thanks daddy! ❤ Everything is in white! Whee...
Worked for Nokia N9 Launching Event in Lowyat Plaza on October. ❤

Worked at I Am Nikon roadshow in Midvalley for 5 days. ❤
Worked as Nikon promoter in PC Expo Midvalley on my birthday.
Celebrated my birthday with two new Nikon friends after work. Thanks ❤!
Meet The Casts of Aladdin the Musical with the bloggers. ❤
Post birthday celebration with sis and Nicholas. ❤
Attended a free makeover by Clinique with my sis on 23rd Nov! ❤
Completed my 10 km Nike Run KL and got this limited edition thumb drive on 27th November 2011 ❤
Went for Aladdin the Musical at Sunway Lagoon. Thanks for the free tickets. ❤
Attended my dearest's 21st birthday party at The Gardens Hotel and Residences on 10th Dec after my work at Subang Parade ❤
Thanks Churp Churp for the free tickets to watch the premiere screening of The Muppets ❤
Thanks MYC! for the free tickets to watch the premiere screening of Alvin and the Chipmunks 3 ❤
Thanks My Destination Kuala Lumpur for the free tickets of Aladdin the Musical! Watched for the second time and this time I watched with my family! ❤
Attended my bro's wedding solemnization in Grand Copthorne Waterfront, Singapore recently. Congrats bro and sis-in-law! ❤
Janice in pink Nikon tee shirt. ❤
Xmas celebration with Nikon team. ❤
Overall i had fun in year 2011 especially after my final examination on September 2011. I fully utilised my 3 months of semester break and I'm happy to meet new friends. Thanks everyone for appearing in my life. I bet the year 2012 which is in 3 days' time will be a better year ahead. Let's wish that everyone will stay healthy and happy always ❤
A photo of myself to end this post. ❤
P.s: Final blog post of the year 2011 as i will be working starting from tomorrow till Sunday! Chaoz. ❤
signing off,
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