#33 Movie Review: The Internship ❤
Thank you Nuffnang for the tickets! :D
Billy (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson)
are salesmen whose careers have been torpedoed by the digital world.
Trying to prove they are not obsolete, they defy the odds by talking
their way into a coveted internship at Google, along with a battalion of
brilliant college students. But, gaining entrance to this utopia is
only half the battle. Now they must compete with a group of the nation’s
most elite, tech-savvy geniuses to prove that necessity really is the
mother of re-invention.
was quite boring in the first few scenes and I was hyped up with the
last few scenes. The movie was okay for me and I find it a little funny
in their own way. Rate of the movie: 2.5/5.
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