Astro-On-The-Go Live Explorer Event ❤
Last Saturday was a wonderful day for me. I attended the Astro Explorer-On-The-Go event with the the rest of the bloggers whom were selected to join this challenge. I was
pretty excited for it as I did not know what kind of challenge they
would assign to us in the event. I thought I could give myself a shot since Sunway Pyramid is just 5 minutes drive to the place I am staying. Thank you Nuffnang for the invitation
by the way.
25 teams were arranged randomly and I was lucky to be in a team with Jack. Basically the game challenge was to find the locations around the Sunway Pyramid and reveal the clues given in the iPad. Each team was given 2 iPads each so that we can update our updates on the game challenge live in Twitter, Instagram and Facebook which were the reasons why we kept updating our Twitter and Instagram with hashtag #AstroOTGExplorer and #Team15. Sorry for the spam by the way.
While waiting for instructions to start the game, I took the opportunity to take photographs with some of the famous bloggers, Jane Chuck and Tian Chad and also famous DJ and Youtuber, Jinnyboy.
She is super tall!
Tian Chad is an awesome photographer and blogger. I love all the photos taken by him each time.
Meet Jinnyboy in the house! He is the emcee of the event that day. Jinny, Y U SO TALL? =/
Even though I come to Pyramid so often, I still confused with the locations of each shops. I can recognise all the shops in other shopping malls but definitely not Sunway Pyramid's. =( If only my sister was here to give me hints to look out for the Astro stations cause she has been staying here for almost 4 years.
Anime station at Asian Avenue
Chinese station in front of The Loaf.
A photo of us with the Chinese station crew.
Spiderman station at the kids playground.
Quack station at the Blue Atrium near the main entrance of Sunway Lagoon.
Next station in front of the McDonald.
Elvis Presley station at the DiGi store and Speedy.
Elvis Presley in the house yo!
In front of Adidas shop. Passing ball moment.
The best part during the Explorer-On-The-Go event was running around the Sunway Pyramid. Who would actually run around the shopping mall looking for clues? It's ME! The stares and gazes from everyone in the mall did not pull my spirit down. Instead, I ran harder and faster than I could to complete all the clues given despite the hungry tummy and dehydration body. But let me tell you readers, it was all worth it especially you see yourself completed all the clues with your hard work and sweats. But also not forgetting having an awesome team mate to enjoy all the fun and sweaty moments in the event. Jack was really good in recognizing the places and solving all the clues. Without him, I think I would not complete all the challenges.
My team mate, Jack who knows better location of the shops than me. He is a medic student by the way. :)
Though I did not win the iPad mini, Nexus or Galaxy S4, I enjoyed myself making new friends. We enjoyed chitchatting almost anything from our life, blog and etc. We just knew each other on that day and we talked like as if we know each other for years. I always thought that bloggers aren't friendly as I personally not a friendly person. I did not know how to initiate a conversation with friends. But throughout this event, I learnt on how to make my first step in initiating a conversation with bloggers which I found this is a good improvement in myself. I may look unfriendly from outside but I can be crazy with my friends if you gotta know me further more in future.
Meet Celyx, the skinny girl. :P
Alice and yours truly.
Happy-go-lucky girl, Nicole.
Ridleyjing and I.
We had lunch after that at Delicious and enjoyed the bonding session with the fellow bloggers.
This event somehow made me get to know more friends from different parts of the world with different hobbies, interests and paths of life. I just enjoyed attending these kind of events as I finally have the courage to bring the inner me to expose to this kind of events which I would attend more in future.
❤ Follow me at
Instagram - @janicemonteith
Twitter - @janicemonteith
Imotiv - janiceyeap
Blog - ❤ hugs and kisses ❤
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