Met Amber Chia in Person!
It was a short outing for us. Our main purpose was to grab some heels since her pair of heels was in bad condition and im terribly desperate for more heels. =) In the end, you know where were we? We were stucked at apparels' shops most of the time. Zzzz
I bought a top for her. Thank god she loved it! =D She tried on a few apparels.
I think this suits her the most.
us. =D
her face expression! lol
While walking around, we saw Amber Chia in person at Jaspal. She is so tall. I envied her. hmm. Wish i can grow as tall as her.
We walked away and went into a few shops. I spotted a few dresses i ♥. But i didnt purchase any of them. Spotted one in Forever 21 and tried on it. Bought it immediately. XD
this is the one. whee
What i love the most in Sunway Pyramid is the washrooms. Every washrooms comes up with quotes which i really ♥ it. Here's one to show you guys.
camwhoring in the washroom. teehee
At night, i accompanied her studying while i chatted with my friends. Here's a goodnight kiss for her before we slept at 4am. ❤
For her.
✭going to be a busy week✭
✭hopefully it will become a successful plan✭
i want that kiss too..haha :P