part time job. its my working day again.. hopefully it will be my last project after this and hopefully i can enjoy it to the max.. mainly because i hardly spend time with my mummy.. as i know my mummy is only free on weekends. accompanying her shopping makes me feel the best. i enjoy shopping with her a lot. though we dont get to buy things due to certain circumstances. ehe. and particularly im working on weekends. does that mean i cant spend much time with her right?

after this, i will be back to kl to continue my studies. my sister wont be around accompanying her as well cause she is going for NATIONAL SERVICE!! talking about that make me sad at first. but luckily i am not at home thinking of being lonely cause i will be busy with studying. therefore, i can take my studying excuse not to miss her so much..hehe. actually i am hoping to stay together with her after her form5. i am hoping to see her studying in college cause i can spend more time with her during weekends if she will be in kl. right? haha. my lame excuse again. never mind. she understands me well. lolx.

oh ya, mummy, you will always hav my support with you. remember that ok? love you mummy!! no matter where you go, you will have your daughters and son by your side. =)

right now, i was thinking now whether i should go to kl this week. pretty tired when i think about it. haih. what am i suppose to do? sob.. :( many things occured in my mind. problems and more problems coming in. i hardly spend time with my beloved gang too. im so sorry. after my holiday, i will try to organise a trip for us to enjoy before our uni life starts ok? ehehe... miss you guys..muaxx... =)
