Seriously after what had happened to me, i had found out that my friends never leave me. Sometimes they were too busy to talk or go out but in their heart, they still have me as their friend. I'm really happy when think about it. At least they accompany me when i need them. Thanks a lot. You make my life so meaningful and priceless. I had learnt to appreciate myself more and more. Hehe. Just looking forward to go back to KL and start my new semester. :D
Knowing myself is an emotional person. I noticed that i have a friend who has the same character as me. She is the friend who give me support when i first study in KL. She tried her best to teach me especially i'm weak in studies.. Really thanks a lot. Knowing her makes me feel less stressful cause she laughs a lot. (You know who you are, girl) Hehe. She will be my best friend ever. =) Thanks girl. Don't give up on anything you do okay?
Knowing myself is an emotional person. I noticed that i have a friend who has the same character as me. She is the friend who give me support when i first study in KL. She tried her best to teach me especially i'm weak in studies.. Really thanks a lot. Knowing her makes me feel less stressful cause she laughs a lot. (You know who you are, girl) Hehe. She will be my best friend ever. =) Thanks girl. Don't give up on anything you do okay?
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